HMD Report: Pamplona
Event Venue: Filmoteca de Navarra
Paseo Antonio Pérez Goyena, 3
31008 Pamplona (Navarra) Spain
Event time (screening): Friday 26th of October, 6pm
Event time (inspection): during the year
Total Audience: 80
Number of people bringing films: Projection from 19 different people
29 Films screened by Gauge:
8mm: 3
Super 8: 20
16mm: 6
Special events/screenings: The projection has been accompanied by a performance of the musician Javier Asín at the piano. During the week we organized a small exposition with cameras, moviolas, splicers, books and projectors.
Press (pre-event and post-event): The informations about the HMD appeared in our web site (with Sean Savage’s trailer), in the hand program of the filmoteca, in local newspapers and thanks to filmoteca’s newsletter. The day after the projection an article appeared in the local newspaper.
Report submitted by Silvia Casagrande
Like last year, we decided to project films stored in the archive of the Filmoteca. All the films are home movies from the 30’s to the 80’s in which we can see landscapes of the region and its traditions.
We screened 29 short films: some traditional fiestas and events such San Fermín, the “Tributo de las 3 vacas”, fiestas in Olite, Tafalla, Tudela and classical encierros and corridas. Besides that, we projected some rural works such grape harvest and bread preparation, some private religious event such Holy Communions, some family events and fragments of amateur’s films: the traditional fiesta of Santa Águeda, in the village of Alsasua, and a documentary about the village of Ujué.
List of all the films projected:
– Fiestas de San Fermín 1945 (16mm, b/w silent),
– Tributo de las 3 vacas 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– Jugando en un columpio 40’s (16mm, b/w, silent),
– Carnaval de Lanz 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– Vendimia en Tafalla 1956 (8mm, color, silent),
– Fiestas de Tafalla 1957 (8mm, b/w, silent),
– Fiestas de San Fermín 1970 (S8mm, color, silent),
– Encierro, vaquillas, deporte rural y feria de ganados 40’s (16mm, b/w, silent),
– Funes: voladura del puente, 1975 (S8mm, color, silent),
– El volatín de Tudela 1970 (S8mm, color, silent),
– Fiestas de Olite 40’s (16mm, b/w, silent),
– Corrida en San Fermín 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– 1ª Comunión 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– Toros en San Fermín 1975 (S8mm, color, silent),
– En bici en Ermitagaña 80’s (S8mm, color, magnetic sound),
– Noticiario beratarra 1952 (16mm, b/w, silent),
– Bajada del ángel de Tudela 1983 (S8mm, color, silent),
– 1ª Comunión 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– Pic-nic en el campo 1987 (S8mm, color, silent),
– Corrida en San Fermín 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– Preparación del pan casero 70’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– 1ª Comunión 1968 (S8mm, color, silent),
– Fiestas de cumpleaños 1954 (8mm, b/w, silent),
– Gimnasia en la sierra de Urbasa 1971 (S8mm, color, silent),
– Alsasua: Santa Águeda 1975 (S8mm, color, magnetic sound),
– Niña y gallinas 80’s (S8mm, color, silent),
– Navidad en casa en Barañain 1982 (S8mm, color, silent),
– Gran Gira anual de la peña Los Iruñshemes 1934 (16mm, b/w, silent),
– Ujué, piedras vivas 1980 (S8mm, color, magnetic sound).