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HMD Report: Philadelphia 2012

HMD Report: Philadelphia

Event Venue: PhillyCAM – Philadelphia’s public access television station

Event time (screening): 2-5 PM

Event time (inspection): 2-5 PM

Total Audience: approx. 30

Number of people bringing films: approx 7

Films screened by Gauge:

8mm: approx 10
Super 8: 1
16mm: 3
9.5mm: none

Volunteers Jay Schwartz, John Pettit, Alexis Mayer, Germaine Fodor, Janine Lieberman, Debbie Rudman, Herbie Shellenberger, Silvia Hortelano Peláez, Jenifer Baldwin

Special Contributors/Thanks: Gretjen Clausing, Caroline Savage, Dwight Swanson, Kate Pourshariati, Joanna Poses

Film Inspectors: Alexis Mayer, Janine Lieberman, Herbie Shellenberger

Projectionists: Jay Schwartz

Inspectors: Alexis Mayer, Janine Lieberman

MC: John Pettit

Press (pre-event and post-event): PhillyCAM ran a spot on their station, created by the wonderful and amazing Debbie Rudman! Press release was featured on uwishunu.com, Philly Inquirer blog. Were also sponsored by Bryn Mawr Film Institute who ran an ad in their slideshow.

Report submitted by: Alexis Mayer

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